Friday, December 18, 2009

Sorry for not updating for the past two days, but I have been busy working on some things. I'll do better in getting them posted in a timely manner in the future.

Anyway, I have two sketches. The first is a rough sketch of what I imagine Taran, the main character, to look like.

It was a quick sketch, and I've got a better idea since then as to what he should look like. Infact, there's a young man in the neighborhood who I think Taran would look like, I'll probably use him for reference.

The second sketch is a design for the Horned King's helm.

It's an animal skull in the book, and I've seen it as a deer skull, or a human skull, but I wanted to try something different. I like the cat like look, but I actually think I'm going to try another version made out of steel, but shaped with skull like elements. For the horns I'm thinking of something along the lines of a kudu or an impala.

Anyway, it was fun to draw. I'm already getting antsy if I don't draw each day, that's a good sign right?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Man, 30 minutes is just too fast. This was an attempt at a 30 minute speed painting of some dude, who apparently has suffered from some sort of horrific radiation-gone wrong experiment.

I really need to do this more often, and when I don't have time to sit and do some sketching on the book, I'll at least try to kick out a 30 minute sketch of some sort. But take heart, it can only get better from here.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The New Beginning

Well, if you've been here before, then you've obviously noticed that things are a little different. I've decided to change the focus of my blog, actually my focus. I'm going to try to get back into illustration again.

No, that's not right, I'm going to try to get into Illustration, finally. I graduated from college with an art degree in Illustration, but somewhere along the line I've been transformed into a graphic designer. I've never really been an illustrator. I've done some small things here and there, but mainly I'm a graphic designer. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against graphic designers, we're a nice group of people, but lately I've been really itching to be an illustrator. I think it comes down to this: I much prefer drawing and painting to updating CSS and HTML pages for clients.

So that's where the redesign comes into play. I'm going to illustrate a great story in "The Book of Three" by Lloyd Alexander. I'll post all the character designs and sketches, all the preliminary work, and finally the finished pieces. I'll try to do this every day. No, I'll do more than try. I WILL post something everyday (that really means 3 times a week, but hey, look at the archives to see that even that much will be a drastic improvement from the past).

Anyway, so what's the end goal? I want to be under contract to illustrate a book, a short story, anything, by the end of the year. Next year, not like two weeks from now. So that's the journey. I hope you'll stick around to see what happens, but most of all I hope this works.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Here it is... in all it's glory. I've solicited the help of my brothers and nephews to write the comic with me, and help with any general things that will come up. I'm excited. Anyway, I'll be working on some of the rest of the cast of characters and hope to post them this weekend, but we'll see what happens.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Here he is in color, and a logo! Anyway, trying to get my brother to write the comic with me, he's in "The Theatre" if that means anything...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Well, I've decided to resurrect the honorable Lord Chesterbury. I must say I'm quite pleased with this one, even moreso than the first attempt. I'm currently working on it in Illustrator, and I'll post it when i get it up and going.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

T Shirt Designs

Did some t shirt designs recently, so here they are.

This was for a family reunion, if you didn't guess. Anyway, I was first given the "Big Fat Family Reunion" idea, and while I originally wanted to do a fat guy with all his reunion gear (the family didn't like it, or more importantly someone in the family didn't like it), so I did the burger design.

The family turned that down and said they want a tree, with the family name and whatnot. So I did the second design, which again, they didn't like.

Anyway, the final design wasn't one of my favorites, but what do you do? That's usually what happens, the client always picks the one you like least.

Friday, May 8, 2009

T-Shirt Designs...

Here's a quick T-shirt design that I did for my Brothers-in-law.  Lot's of fun, probably do some more and post them later.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Found this in the files, an old colored charcoal sketch I did of the Savior.  I like where it was heading.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Quick Alien Study

Here's a quick hour study of an alien character.  I need to do more of these, I like where this was heading, but I need to hone my skillz more.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Cartoon

Okay, so my wife wanted an Avatar done, that she could put up on her blog and various facebooks and whatnot, so I spent some time last night and this is what I came up with.

I don't do anime styled pieces, so this was a new challenge for me.  Infact, I don't draw females very often, so that's a challenge as well.  I think I'll need to focus on that here in the future.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Here's a quick hour long drawing I did tonight of a dog-like dude.  It's for the MOAG blog, they're having a creature creation contest.  Anyway, I like it, and it was fun to just bust out the wacom and go from scratch.  I'll see if I can do more in the near future.

As for things at work, I'm really loving the project I'm working on right now.  I've done some awesome stuff for the UI, and I wish I could show it, but it'll have to wait until it ships.  Anyway, until next time...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Species Sketch

A quick species sketch and color that i did for the MOAG blog.  Check it out to see a detailed description of the species and whatnot.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Here's a couple of quick photographs manipulated to look like minatures.  It's a fun technique, called tilt-shift photography.  It's actually really easy to do, even if my examples aren't the best to look at, it's still pretty fun.  I'll be playing around with this for a while...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sketch Dump

Finished a sketchbook.  It's taken quite a while, years infact.  Anyway, here's a dump of some of my favorite sketches.  

Well, there you have it.  Just a few of the sketches.  Anyway, you can check out some of my sci-fi sketches and cg work on the MOAG blog.

One last pic, this was done by one of my girls.  It's the incredible Hulk, but like I needed to tell you that.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

So, It's been a while since I posted anything here, but here's something for you.  My brother and a couple of brother-in-laws were going to the BYU - Wake Forest Basketball game.  It was a pretty big deal, Wake was ranked #6 in the country, and BYU was riding a 53 game home winning streak.  Anyway, my bro wanted me to design a tshirt for the white out, apparenlty it's the thing now a days...  so this is my design.  I like it, it's classic and I think it would look good on a tshirt.  I got some inspiration from the old Golden State Warriors logos, and well, I like it.

Anyway, had a good holiday, went to San Diego for Christmas, and spent the new year in St. George.  In all we were gone from the house for 2 weeks.  Never took a vacation that long.  It was a lot of fun.  
Oh, BYU lost, but they kept it close.  Lost by 5 or 6, but that was because of foul shots.
Anyway, I'll try to post more often this year.

But I wouldn't count on that.