Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The New Beginning

Well, if you've been here before, then you've obviously noticed that things are a little different. I've decided to change the focus of my blog, actually my focus. I'm going to try to get back into illustration again.

No, that's not right, I'm going to try to get into Illustration, finally. I graduated from college with an art degree in Illustration, but somewhere along the line I've been transformed into a graphic designer. I've never really been an illustrator. I've done some small things here and there, but mainly I'm a graphic designer. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against graphic designers, we're a nice group of people, but lately I've been really itching to be an illustrator. I think it comes down to this: I much prefer drawing and painting to updating CSS and HTML pages for clients.

So that's where the redesign comes into play. I'm going to illustrate a great story in "The Book of Three" by Lloyd Alexander. I'll post all the character designs and sketches, all the preliminary work, and finally the finished pieces. I'll try to do this every day. No, I'll do more than try. I WILL post something everyday (that really means 3 times a week, but hey, look at the archives to see that even that much will be a drastic improvement from the past).

Anyway, so what's the end goal? I want to be under contract to illustrate a book, a short story, anything, by the end of the year. Next year, not like two weeks from now. So that's the journey. I hope you'll stick around to see what happens, but most of all I hope this works.


  1. Tasha said...
    Good luck! If I ever get my book written, maybe you can be the illustrator for the cover :)
    Unknown said...
    Best of luck and please remember to ask if you need anything. You know where I sit :)
    Warlord Blade said...
    That sounds awesome! And I definitely look forward to seeing what you come up with - especially since I love the Chronicles of Prydain.
    Mei Day said...
    you go girl. I'm excited watch your progress.

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