Sunday, December 7, 2008


Here's a quick sketch I did of Norman Rockwell, based on a photograph in a book I bought at the D.I. for $2.oo.  It was fun to get back into realistic drawing.  I've been doing alot of stylized, cartoony type stuff for work lately, which I really enjoy, but this was good to get the ol' pencil out and really give it a go.  It's scanned in pretty big, but it's only about 2 inches square, and I did it with a mechanical pencil.  This made me realize I need a new sketchbook, something a little more smooth and bigger than standard paper.

This is a piece I did of my Dad, done in new pastels.  It's something I stared probably a year ago, and while I like where it is now, I always wanted to get into it a little more and really finish it up nice.  As some of you know, my Dad passed away this summer from Cancer.  I had Mom over for dinner tonight, and I showed this to her.  She really like it.  I was glad she could tell who it was!  Anyway, I think I'm going to give it another try and see if I can get a finished piece out of it.


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